
A Year of Conscious Authentic Living

On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant, I introduce the concept of the Yamas and Niyamas: Yogic Ethical Principles, why I have selected this as our focus and offer some queries to begin the journey. If you are ready to be guided on a deep dive into living consciously and authentically, tune in and join me. I can’t wait to journey with you!

Adina-Laver.-200x250jpgAdina Laver, MBA, M.Ed, CPC is the CEO and Chief Curiosity officer of Courage to be Curious, a distinctive personal development company dedicated to enhancing the quality and potential of the human experience by inspiring and empowering those on the path to brilliance to act courageously and live authentically. Having thought for most of her life that she was hopelessly erratic and chronically fickle, hopping from interest to interest, academic pursuit to academic pursuit, job to job, and even country to country for a while, Adina finally realized that she was not indecisive but rather insatiably curious. She is an explorer and grower and is passionate about sharing the power of these traits with others in ways that empower them to achieve the quality of life they are seeking. www.CouragetobeCurious.com


  1. Good morning, Adina!

    I was so excited to listen to your podcast (I am not a regular listener to any podcasts), and to hear about topic for the year. I am personally ready to delve deeper into the Yamas and Niyamas, to recognize the samskaras, the patterns, the ruts, the scars, the automatic reactions/responses that have been created throughout my life, and to see how these can be examined and changed. Courage and Curiosity are great themes for a yoga class!

    I am also so happy to hear that you will start Teacher Training! Where will you be doing this? It will change your life, even if you do not formally teach asana classes. As you said, the asana is really preparation for the deeper explorations of pranayama and meditation.

    Looking forward to listening to you in the future.


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