On today’s episode of Wonder Your Way to Brilliant podcast, Jodi and I reflect upon the conversations we had this month with Brian Lucia and Jake Miller about what it means to experience personal freedom in your life. This month’s exploration does reveal a single definition of ‘personal freedom,’ but rather begs us each to ask, “What does personal freedom mean to me?”Jodi and I take on this question and share some ideas that bubbled up for us.
Adina Laver | Jodi Silverman |
Courage to Be Curious | Coaching with Jodi |
Adina Laver, MBA, M.Ed, CPC is the CEO and Chief Curiosity officer of Courage to be Curious, a distinctive personal development company dedicated to enhancing the quality and potential of the human experience by inspiring and empowering those on the path to brilliance to act courageously and live authentically. Having thought for most of her life that she was hopelessly erratic and chronically fickle, hopping from interest to interest, academic pursuit to academic pursuit, job to job, and even country to country for a while, Adina finally realized that she was not indecisive but rather insatiably curious. She is an explorer and grower and is passionate about sharing the power of these traits with others in ways that empower them to achieve the quality of life they are seeking. www.CouragetobeCurious.com
Jodi is the kind of woman who turns opportunity into fun and success. Having done everything from rising to the top of a Direct Mail / Marketing Company where she became one of the top three producers and won the Presidential Award to starting her own printing company, becoming a Rising Star as a network marketer for Stream, recently earning her certification as a Life Coach and now publishing a book. The incredible reception of this book quickly spawned the launch of Jodi’s life coaching business where she now focuses on empowering women to figure out What’s Next for them when they encounter expected or unexpected life changes. Life should be a whole-hearted experience and Jodi has the wisdom, skill and passion to support any woman in finding her path to a purposeful life. Jodi’s energy and enthusiasm are absolutely engaging and contagious. www.JodiSilverman.com